Friday, December 21, 2007

Interesting Observation: the Shopping Cart

Why do we have to pay a 25 cent deposit to use a shopping cart in Toronto? I've never seen this in Montreal. You'd think that if someone really wanted to steal a shopping cart, he wouldn't care about not getting that quarter back. It'd be a pretty cheap shopping cart, if you ask me ...

Funnily though, in Montreal, at a supermarket close by my house that my kids and I go to only occasionally, we noticed a new sign that indicated that one could not take the shopping cart outside the parking lot perimeter. Of course, this was a clear invitation, but try as we might, it was true! Some mysterious force kept us from pushing that cart "across that line". Gave us a good hearty laugh!

Back to retrieving that quarter ... I suppose it could provide incentive though for some to place the cart back in its proper spot. Quarter or no quarter, I think it's important to be respectful and I'll always put it back, no matter how lazy I feel ...

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